Reasons why smartphone and other electronics are expensive in uganda

 Why the price of electronics in Uganda are too high

The price of electronics in Uganda tend to be high compared to other African countries like Kenya and Nigeria. And why some smartphones delay to launch in Uganda what don't we have as a country 😝🤪, anyway back to the point

Here are some reasons as to why we buy this gadgets at a higher price and why they take time to launch in Uganda.
First of all Uganda is a land locked country and in this case we have no direct port that links us to those manufacturing countries and yet most imports comes in through water transport in this case most electronics import to Uganda must pass through Kenya "Mombasa" port.

Secondly high taxes in Uganda makes almost all imported items expensive imagine searching for a phone in Kenya and you find it at almost half price compared to to prices in Uganda in most cases it happens because of many taxes paid before the item reaches to the counters in Uganda. An item is taxed by Kenya revenue authority at the port and when it's coming to Uganda it's again taxed at the border point of Uganda and Kenya.

Thirdly the high prices set on communication companies in Uganda makes it hard for the people to buy this items. Especially on internet and call rates, not everyone in Uganda can afford the calling rates and internet rates and another problem is the established social media tax now this one made it worse even a person who had an idea of buying a smart phone gets it hard. Like know it most people buy smartphone purposely for internet surfing 

Last but not least, here is a solution if you need a smartphone you can purchase on at gadgets ug at a friendly price our prices are the same to that of Kenya 😅 check them out and don't forget to subscribe.

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